Friday, August 10, 2007

Grand Canyon

Well, we went to Grand Canyon again yesterday, and it was spectacular as ever! "The Big Ditch" (as my grandpa once called it) is as big and incredible as it was last time. I actually think I was able to appreciate it more this time than last time, mostly because it was much balmier. wow, I don't believe that's how its spelled. "Balmier". Who woulda thunk it. Anyways...

We have more performances this weekend, starting tonight. I better eat a good dinner. And that'll be all for now. Thanks and goodnight. Or good morning, as it may be.


Anonymous said...

Did you hike all the way down it? Or fall all the way down it?

The Highland Sage said...

no, we just hiked around the rim some.

Anonymous said...

I can' t but agree.I every time wanted to compose in my position something like that but I guess you' r faster.