Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This is my 121st post. And as such it will be a post just like all the other ones. Let's begin, shall we?

I am going to tell you a little story about a certain p that was particularly difficult to make. It all started when a friend of mine drew a demented p. I decided it looked too much like a nine, so she tried to fix it. Then it looked like a grinning worm. So we thought we could put white paint over it to fix it. The bottom half was painted, but then it looked really dumb. So she got the paint off. Then we had the brilliant idea of putting a piece of paper over it and redrawing it. The first paper I found I couldn't use, then I found the title page of a script someone had left behind. I tore the page out, and cut a square out of it to cover the p. Meanwhile, my friend was in the other room looking for scissors. Then when she came back I already had it cut, so I sent her back for glue. So, finally, we covered it up, and I drew a new p, and in the end it turned out looking very dandy. And now that I've recounted that episode I shall be signing out for the night. So long and thanks for all the fish!

12 O'clock

Well, I can barely believe I'm posting after 12, it's long past my bed time, but I'm doing it all the same. I had something really good to say about an hour ago, but I can't remember it for the life of me. Ah well. Anyways, I read The Last Battle today. Well, I started last night, finished today. It was really good. Pretty darn inspiring. And slightly depressing. It goes well with the tune of my thoughts these past few days. It was incredible. I'm not quite done digesting it. Ah, and there's my idea! I'd just like to say a few things for the record:

1. I think it's really creepy when my little brother sleeps with his eyes open.

2. I have dumped water on a complete stranger before.

3. It's far too late.

So, until next time, this is the Highland Sage saying:

Further Up and Further In!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

No Reason

Well, there is really no reason for me to be up this late writing this post for a website which is, well, never mind. Anyways...

I think that I shall never see, something as gross as a giant flea. Hehe. SO there! Ah, tis much too late. I don't have any thoughts. Except for this. Was I right? Did I not nail it on thinking I'd soon leave? Ah well. Oi! There's an idea. I'll describe to you where I am. Actually I won't. It's too late. I'm behind on sleep. But, let me leave you with some thought of relative value. The Death rate on this planet is very high. For every person born there's a death, sooner or later. We'll all die someday. So do as much good as you can before you kick the bucket, and always remember:

Life is good, even when it's not!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Zee Bop

I enjoy randomly scatting sometimes, just for the fun of it. I like the word "zee". And the word "bop". I usually use them in combinations a little like:
Zee bop, ba do dop zee dop a wope bop!
Then I'll continue with a little something like:
Ding a dang dong doong dingy dop bop way lo ah!
By that time someone is usually annoyed at me, so I shut up. Meanwhile, on a slightly more philosophical note:

I was thinking earlier today about what it would be like to have a terminal illness. How it would make me feel, how it would change my life. I also think it's interesting how it seems like people will take you more seriously when you have a terminal illness. Then I got to thinking about what I would change if I were dieing. And then I realized, why not change it now, I mean shucks, I'm gonna die someday, why wait until death is looming on the horizon. Oh course, then I realized that it's really one of those things you can't do until you're faced with it. I dunno, it was just interesting to think about. One thing I decided though, is that I'd let everyone know more often that,

It's 11:12, and you are loved!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Leaving Soon

Well, the time's coming soon for me to ride off into the sunset again for a while. I hope you've all enjoyed this season of sagery. So don't be surprised when one day soon you come here seeking me, and I am gone. Then you can look through that dusty old tome called the archive, and I may send a transmission back here every once in a while. Of course, I don't have to leave now, but I can sense it coming. I suppose you could say highland sages are of the drifting sort. Wander we must, or we become like fish out of water, or birds without wings, or flashlights without batteries. Of course, when I say we, I mean highland sages as a group, I'm still the only one I know though. Well, until next time:

Life is good, even when it's not!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Am I Talking to Myself?

Sometimes it seems like I'm talking to myself when I write these posts. Now, you don't really mean that, do you? Yes, I do. Well, don't you think you ought to post about something. Hm, I suppose so. Okay then, I'll start:

So how is everyone doing these days? Things are rather nice hear in the highlands, if but a wee bit windy. I mean, man, I thought it was bad a couple weeks ago, but today I saw, like, a chihuahua blowing away. Well, that might be a bit of an exageration, but you get the point. It's windy. Not as windy as that one time I looked out the window and saw a chair and yard umbrella 30 feet in the air. That was really windy(and I'm not exagerating!). What I need is a pair of iron boots... Well, maybe not. Either way, I'm not too keen on going to some dangerous frozen locale to find a pair. Now if I could get a hookshot, that would be a different matter! Or a Zora tunic, that would be REALLY awesome! I've always wanted to breath deep underwater unencumbered by heavy equipment. Not that it'll ever happen, I just think it would be cool. That's all folks.

Life is good, even when it's not!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Gecko Licky

Run for your life! It's coming! The-AAAIIIIII- eck.

WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO, THE GECKO LICKY'S HERE!!!! You don't know what a Gecko Licky is? You should be afraid! Be very afraid! I'm the Gecko Licky! And here's my song:

The Gecko Licky's song this is,
I'm here to show you I'm one mean liz,
I'm cold blooded, reptilian, that's a fact,
And now it's time for you to react,


Now the Gecko Licky, I'm a tricky guy,
But when I come along, don't gaurd your pie!
Cake's what I'm after, frosting, specifically,
I want do some serious lickingy.

Lemme hear ya say AAAAAAAh,
Lemme hear ya say OOOOOOOOOOh!

So If you haven't guessed yet, what I'm all about,
Well it's about the time, That you found out!
I sneak into parties, that's a fact,
Then I lick all the frosting off the cakes, like that!

Lemme hear ya say AAAAAAAAAH,
Lemme hear ya say OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh,
Lemme hear you say AAAAAAAAAAh,
Lemme hear you say OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, (that's it!)
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, (you got it folks!)
And that's that!

Thank you Highlands!! I love you! I'll be here all week. If there's a party going on, I might catch you round. Thank you, thank you. no, really I have to be going. I'd love to stay, but I have to go. Thank you again, goodnight everybody!

Friday, April 18, 2008


Well, considering what time it's been when I made my last couple posts, this one is early. I've decided that I'm not going to insult your intelligence on this post. i might end up insulting my own, but that can rarely be helped. JK. So I'm in one of my superiority moods. I think it's rather unbecoming of myself, don't you? I ought to start again.

So, a needle pulling thread. If you wanna call our hot line, here's the number to call. Just dial up this number, call any time at all! 706-0655, 706-0655, 706-0655, in area code 718! I really like that song. It's a good song. Not a long song. But the wrong song, for King Kong. Now I'm in sing song! Oooooookaaaaay, In other local news...

It's 10:33, and you are loved!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I had something to say earlier, but I forgot it, as is usually the case when I am forced to post late at night. It's funny how much people change in a year and a half. I have this old group photo from like, a year and a half ago, and almost every one looks different now. I guess that's how it is, people change their look. That was a complete waste of type. I ought to delete it. i shan't I haven't got anything else to write about. It's late. At this rate I'll be late and make someone wait. It's my fate. I actually don't believe in fate, but any word will do when dealing with wordplay. And now it is my great honor, and pleasure, to go to bed. Thank you, and goodnight.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Seafarin Tale

Sorry I'm later then I expected. Got into a bit of a scrape down at the "har-bor". Anyways, I be here now! So, to that seafarin story of treachery and shipwreck ye've all been diein to hear. Well, it was not more than long ago...

Some friends and I were out on the Sea of Dogs having our annual naval bouts. We had split into two teams of three. I meself had Thomas, who sometimes comments here, and Michael, the guy who was key in inspiring my 'sage' archetype. Our opponents were Cary the Magnificent, along with a dashing young lad called Ezra, and Michael's older sister. Now, each team is given a fully equipped galley. We use light wooden cannonballs, so in the end no one usually gets hurt worse then a bruise or scratch, and ramming becomes crucial.

The battle went well for my team. Our opponents were being soundly beaten. Also, they had gotten the prow of their ship stuck under ours at one time, so they had taken on a good bit of water, and were riding slowly, dangerously low in the water. Now, it so happened that we had come in for a pass across their bow and were heading back out, when Ezra, who was steering their ship, got it in his mind to catch us and tried to throw his ship into a hard right turn. But, t'was too low in the water. Before they moved an inch from their course their galley took on a bunch of water and capsized into the waves, sending the three of them into the shadowy gloom of the water!

Since they were our friends, and we had obviously won the bout, we swung around and after mocking them and laughing for several passes we fished out the ladies. Ezra, however, was not so lucky. We left him out there, on the wreck of his galley, to fare for himself. Funny thing was that he made it back somehow not too long after we returned to shore, and I happened to meet him the next day under some, 'ahem', less advantageous circumstances. But that is another story in itself. I hope ye swabs liked that story. And it all be true. (kinda) I may have some of the details fuzzy. The sea does things to a man's memory. No matter!

Drink up me hearties, Yo Ho!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

/T TT TT T\ TT Tl TT (Stonehenge)

Okay, so I'm not in an incredibly creative mood tonight. Actually I'll let you be the judge of that. You know how I went to find some pudding. Well, I didn't find any, but I did get some yogurt. It was about as good, and probably a lot more healthy. Course, if I was going for health I wouldn't eat snacks at 10:30 at night. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag! Not really. Just wanted to say it. I think that I'll just be sayin' goodnight. Maybe. Actually, what do you swabs say to listinen to one of ol' Dominic's seafairin' stories? Aye, we do need a fair wind though, tis true. And it's bad luck to tell stories of shipwreck on board anyways. Here, just everyone get some rootbeer and I'll change the wind. ^<> Thar we go, now it's full at our backs! We'll be to port before tomorrow afternoon, then I can indulge you with a story of shipwreck and treachery. Until then,

Drink up me hearties, Yo Ho!

Monday, April 14, 2008


Well, I don't have anything to say and I don't even know if anyone will read it, but here I am posting faithfully. I hope you're all dually impressed. Anyways...

I would consider myself to be a pretty whimsical guy. I have lots of whims, and I act on them quite often. Okay okay, I know that's not what whimsical means, but still. I mean, imagine a world in which elk have wings, banana pudding is used to fuel cars, and there's free Wi-Fi for anyone who can use a computer they don't own! Why the heck are you imagining that? That's crazy. You could never run a car with banana pudding. It'd have to be vanilla or chocolate! And with that I think I'll go look for some pudding to eat, though I know I won't find any. What can I say though? Whenever we have pudding around here, it just gets eaten. I mean, what's with that?!?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Pickle in His Pocket

This is the story of Frederick Locket,
Who went to sea with a pickle in his pocket,
Then one day his boat,
Forgot how to float,
And so it turned into a rocket.

Okay, that was weird, but what can I say? It's late, I ought to be in bed. Oh, and by the way, you know the staff I whipped out to get rid of the Queen of Bob Land? Well, yesterday I threw it off some rocks I was climbing, and upon hitting the ground it broke in two. Sadly it's true. And, on a completely different note, my dad and I found a container of year old beans with a hole in it in the freezer yesterday. We threw it away. What can I say? Thank you, and goodnight!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Well, this is a post without a subject. As such I'm going to try to avoid giving one in any way. But enough about the subject of this post! Peanut butter is rather soft and tasty on crackers. Ritzes. Once I ate at the Ritz. It was a glittering hotel. Everything was fancy! Even the carpet was fancy. Fancy carpets? Sounds like royalty!

Announcing her royal majesty, the Queen of Bob Land!
(doo doo ba ba, doo doo doo doooooooo doo bum ba doo!)

Why thank you your majesty, welcome to the blog!

This place is rather dirty for royalty, is it not!?!

Well, your majesty, I am a humble sage. It's not like I can go~

Very well. It shall suffice temporarily.

Only suffice?!? I mean no disrespect your majesty, but it is~

Are you contradicting me!?!

Well, yes, I mean no, um, maybe, uh, splunge!

Did you say splunge!?!

Why, yes, yes I did your majesty.

I hate that word! Off with his head!!

By decree of her royal majesty, the sage's head is to be lopped off and displayed on a pike.

(Sage whips out staff and summons forth hordes of loyal waist-high minions)

(upon seeing many minions) Well, we were just leaving anyway. Good day sage.

Make way for her royal majesty, the Queen of Bob Land
(doo doo ba ba, doo doo doo dooooooooooo doo bum ba doo!)

-End Transmission

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Look Out!

Look out! Here come the sage. Turnin the page, ready to rage, like one crazy mage at the top of the gauge! Boy, I'm having fun with the wordplay, heresay, what way, no way! So cool, I rule, though I'm a fool, there's a jewel, in the pool. Look at that, a fancy rat, in a hat, ooh, a cat, now it's flat. Words flow and go right down the row, I'm ready to show don'tcha know! Time for bed, sleepy head, singsong's wrong now it's too long. Keep it up, like soldiers, HUP! Life is rife with stuff and strife. But it's still goodly, as it should be, even when it's not. Goodnight!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Adventures of Dan Kruger- Episode 3

If you missed the last episode, it's right here:

And now to continue our story:

"So, you guys have a yellow submarine?" Dan asked incredulously.
"Oh, of course." Rick replied.
"So yeah, this is going to take some getting used to." replied Dan. "By the way," he continued as he turned to the Beatles guy. "What's your name again?"
"Jago McLennonstarrison." the Bealtes man answered. Dan looked out the window and rubbed his forehead.
"This is going to take some getting used to." He muttered to himself. Then he saw a large grey fruit delivery truck pulling up alongside the sleek black car. There seemed to be strange grey melons sticking out the top of the truck. But, upon looking closer, Dan realized they looked more like grey heads.
"Uh, say, Rick, what kind of fruit is that truck beside us carrying?" Dan had barely spoke though, when a grey man in torn clothes jumped from the truck onto the roof of their sleek black car. Rick jerked the wheel violently, causing Dan and Jago to be thrown to one side. The maneuver failed to shake the grey man off the top of the car however, and a grey fist broke through the roof into the car.
"GRAAAAINS!" came an eerie voice from above.
"Vegetarian Zombies!" Rick yelled. "Sorry Dan, you're going to have to learn on the job!" Jago then shoved the grey fist up very hard as Rick swerved, and with a thud the zombie tumbled off the car onto the highway. But almost instantly there were several more zombies on top of the car. Rick was frantically weaving in and out of traffic now, trying to get away from the grey truck.
"How do we get rid of these things?!" Dan yelled as the sleek black car was made into a semi-convertible by several of the zombies.
"GRAAAAAAAAINS, GRAAAAAINS!" the zombies said. Jago stood up and pushed the zombies back. Then he grabbed, from somewhere in the car, a slingshot. With it he shot what looked like a bit of meat into one of the zombie's open mouths. It started choking and fell off the car.
"GRAAAAAAAAAINS!" continued the other zombies as they made the car into a full convertible. Rick then swerved and the two zombies still on the car fell off. Also, the Grey truck was now a lane away from the now open topped sleek black car.
"Here!" yelled Jago, handing Dan a slingshot and a bag full of projectiles. Suddenly a melon practically exploded above Dan's head.
"They're shooting at us!" Rick yelled. Jago fired another projectile at one of the zombie heads sticking out of the top of the truck. Dan reached into the bag of projectiles and drew out what looked like a piece of cooked meat. As Jago fired again, Dan shrugged and took aim with his slingshot. He missed miserably as Jago downed another zombie and one more melon exploded in midair above the car. Then Rick pulled onto an off ramp, and, as quickly as it had started, the zombie assault ended.

- To be continued

Well, I hope you all enjoyed that little action filled jaunt. I really don't have anything to say, the story took up most of my creativity. But, I thought I ought to put something down at the end here. Is it just me, or are half of my posts just word play everyday, what'dya say hey! Thank you and goodnight.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Another Post that Has Nothing to do With Its Name!

Well, I had something to say about an hour ago, but now I forgot it, so I'm going to say something else instead. Something else instead. Okay, in other local news...

The votes are in from the 100th post! And the winners are:

Coolest: The Beatles
Creepiest: Michael Jackson
Randomest(is that a word?): Goats

Coincidentally everything Cary voted for. Very strange if you ask me. And I'm feeling a strange poem coming on. So here goes:

I sometimes go, and stop, and think,
What if I put a pink drink in the sink?
If that was the case, (or at least I think)
The sink would then be full of pink drink.

When I was young I thought a lot
About a dot upon my cot,
But now that I'm older, I know instead,
It wasn't a cot, it was a bed!

Now as always, it never does fail,
My poetic instincts just turned tail.
So as for an end, well,
I think I'll just bail.

-End Transmission

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Big Bief Batch Discovered in Highlands!

Dateline, The Highlands- Have you ever eaten bief for dinner? We're not exactly sure what it is, but a team of researchers here at the Sage Research Institute of Technology (SRIT) is attempting to find out more about this strange form of meat after a large batch was discovered late Friday night near the home of the Sage.

Bief, a meat that is found precooked in pile on the ground in the forest, has been drawing more attention from the international research community in recent years, as a possible substitute, for frozen dinners.

"Bief is a very strange substance." said Wames Jillis, head of the research team investigating the find at SRIT. "It really is big. It's a really big find." When asked what the origin of the bief deposit was, he said: "It's very strange. When the cows get near the rocks with grass around them, they eat the grass, and then they explode. So we don't really know whether it's the cow or the rocks that make the meat, we do know that when we find it, it's REALLY cooked." When asked what the bief tasted like, Jillis responded: "It actually tastes like chicken."

Thomas Nathan, a SRIT student working on the find, was asked how he felt it would contribute to the future of international meat research. "This is so big!" he said. "I mean, it's probably the biggest thing since Turducken!"

Though this has generated a great stir in the global meat research community, it's not yet sure how far its impact will be felt.

"I zefinitely zink it vill ave an eencredeeble eempact on ze meat industry in zee next zeveral years" Said Sven Svenson, head of the International Meat Industries Board (IMIB), when questioned about whether or not meat industry would be effected.

So, as the world ponders the future of bief, it is safe to say that this find is going to be very beneficial to mankind's understanding of this strange substance. And until we know more, keep your cows away from rocks with grass on them!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Have you ever seen a horse skull? I haven't. I think it would be cool. Anyways...

I went skiing today. Hadn't been in four years. It is one tiring sport! It was really good for me actually. And I really don't have a lot more to say on that subject, so I'm going to revert to sagery. But first I want to tell you that the next Dan Kruger part will be out on Monday or Tuesday of next week. I'm still working on the interior design of the yellow submarine. Actually I haven't started. (it's all in my head) Anyways...

And now for something completely different, part of a post justified to the left! I mean right! Ah, they're both directions to me anyways. Just a bit strange reading this isn't it? Haha! I have you now! And I suppose that's it for tonight. Remember,

Life is good, even when it's not!

P.S. The right alignment looked a lot more drastic on the editing screen. Oh well

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hello Goodbye

Well, I'm checking in. I'd just like to say that this is probably the last time I will ever appear on television. And that I shall do a week of posts, I will! So long and thanks for all the fish!