Monday, March 9, 2009

New Post

Well, it's hard to say what exactly is happening right now. But things are moving that cannot be undone now. And things are being set in motion. I know I'm on the verge of something big. God is overflowing, and filling my life. Glory be to God! That's all I have to say right now.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Enter March

So, March came into the highlands I call home rather quietly yesterday, with the second nicest day this year(today was nicer). It was quite lamb like. I am now expecting a huge storm on the thirtieth. Because, as they say, March will enter like a lion and leave like a lamb, or enter like a lamb and leave like a lion. Of course, it's only an old wives tale. But who's to say those old wives don't know what they're talking about.

Um, I would sir.

Who are you?

An old husband, sir.

I see.

I wouldn't listen to any of the tales my wife makes, sir. And therefore I'd have to say that my wife doesn't know what she's talking about, at least when she tells tales sir.

Oh. Well, thanks for that I guess.

Any time sir.

A-hem.(nods to the left, hinting the old husband make his exit)

What's that?

What's your name?

Um, Suesssir sir.

Right. Well Suesser. (clears throat and nods again, generating only quizzical looks) Oh, fer crying out loud Suessir, will you get outa here?!