Tuesday, May 22, 2007

May a Moody Baby Doom a Yam

Well, things are very mundane lately, I think the rising temperatures may be stifling my sagey thoughts. Anyways...

Cap'n Kirk is not a jerk
I may change my name to Crumple Dirk
This idea just really doesn't work

Sorry about the tacky poetry folks, but I got a little carried away with the rhyme scheme. So, some lord of the rings commercials we thought up:
1. For Bottled Water- Legolas is walking on top of the snow on the frozen mountain. He then finds in the snow a bottle of water, which he takes and then drinks.

2. For Dr. Pepper- So the Nazgul are all lined up at the ford of Bruinen, with Arawen on the other side. Then one of the Nazguls whips out a can of doctor pepper and says "I'll trade you for the halfling, she elf." Then Arawen says: "Sure. Sweet!"

3. For Sierra Mist- So the leader Uruk Hia is standing there in front of Borromir with the arrows in his chest, and he takes out a can of Sierra Mist. As he's about to open it, Aragorn comes running up, knocks him down, kills him, and then drinks the Sierra Mist.

Ok, you're all probably on weirdness overload now, so this is the one and only Highland Sage, signing out. (again, I apologize for my bad Tolkien spellings.)


The Highland Sage said...

I just wanna try something.


The Highland Sage said...

oh, I did it. Cool

Michael Swift said...

That Sierra Mist ad sounds more like Mountain Dew. :)

Anonymous said...

haha those are great! and yeah sierra mist should be mountian dew. XD