Wednesday, May 21, 2008

5 Minute Post

Okay, let's see what kind of a post I can make in five minutes. And, GO! Well, I really haven't got very much to say. Just watched Time's Arrow, the TNG with Mark Twain. It was as good as I remembered it. The clock ticks on. Tick, tock, tick, tock. A bit ominous. 3 minutes left. Okay, let's see, what else can I say. Man, I am out of ideas. I just can't think of anything. Root beer is good. Tasty. I think that Viennese Waltz is the most tiring dance I've ever done. Not to mention dangerous. We had three people go down during today's lesson. Yes, I was one, and yes, I was responsible for another. No, they did not happen at the same time. It was crazy out there! Oop, time's up. G'night folks. Drink up me hearties, Yo Ho!


Michael Swift said...

It'll be much more fun, and more tiring, yet safer, at Ashurst. All that room!

Speaking of "drink up me hearties", I just got Pirates 3 from the Library. I liked it a lot less the second time. The first time it was in a theater, I had just seen Pirates 2, I was caught up in the world, etc. The second time everything seemed very contrived. Unlike Curse of the Black Pearl, which holds up very well under re-watching.

The Highland Sage said...

Well, considering I've only seen the third once, and it was in theatres...
But seroiusly though, I think you're right.