Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, I saw the movie Help. It's a Beatles movie. It was really funny. I thought it was quite a bit like an early form of Monty Python. Very off the wall. Yeah. So, shall I digress?

My new book is coming along well. I'm nearly a third done with it. Course, it's not going to be a terribly long book, but that's fine with me. I'm gonna go get half a sugar cookie. Excuse me a moment. 'gets up' 'comes back in 3 minutes, having devoured a tasty soft soft sugar cookie, parts of which are lodged in his braces' Sorry, that last description was a bit less nice that I would have like. But I'm sure you know what I did. Anyhow, I really haven't got anything else to say. KAILI!

Life is good, even when it's not!


Christopher said...

Yes!! It's a great movie. Some trivia: The reasons for the movie's many locales (mountains, exotic island, etc.) is that the Beatles requested a script that took them to places they wanted to go.

Anonymous said...

Who cooked the cookies?