Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just Some Sagey Blathering

Well, thought I'd make a post, even though everything on my mind now is too deep and long to explain in a post. If you want to know about these deep thoughts, talk to me, or give me a call. Anyhoo...

Obviously I still haven't said anything particularly interesting as yet, which in this case means I have no post as yet. Though the point could be argued. But alas, I have not a one to argue with, and I'm afraid my studies in rhetoric are insufficient, nay, non-existent. Ooh, a rhyme. I like to speak in verse. Some say it's a curse. But I always say to them: "Be glad it isn't worse." wow. That was either madness, or brilliance. We are men of Action, lies do not deceive us. Let your sword do the talking! I will, it shall be loquacious to a fault. Ladies and gentlemen, you've been a wonderful audience, we've decided it's a draw. GO CARDINALS!!!!!!!!

-End Transmission


Anonymous said...

At least I understood the last sentence

Anonymous said...

I am spooked.