Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Well, this is a late night post. Not any later than normal, but I usually don't post in a room where people are sleeping. But now I must go. SO I will leave you with this thought: If a tripod didn't have three legs, would it still be called a tripod? Thank you, and goodnight.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I've got nothing to say. Slippery polyp melts with fish on the side are just plain tasty. Nothing is coming. I will do my Sage exercises. Sage on, Sage off. Nothing is coming. Tapioca pudding! I take my leave.

Friday, November 21, 2008


It's better to be jabbed in the ribs with a knee than a spear. That's what I always say!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sage Nog!!!

Well, I have created a new drink! Sage Nog!!! It's very easy to make. Mix one part apple juice with two parts 2 percent milk. Then sprinkle on some cinnamon and warm it up till it's nice and warm but not hot. And there you have it, Sage Nog. It's pretty darn tasty, actually. I ran yesterday, and also exercised today. Boy, does it ever help one's mood! I mean, look how many exclamation points I've used in this post! I'm really excited! Probably the Sage Nog. Anyways, that'll be all. Thank you, and goodnight.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

That Time of Year

Well, it's that time of year again. I always seem to bog down and get all listless in November, not exactly sure why. Probably the weather. I'm not really running anymore. Ah well. What I need is something to inspire me through the dreariness of the coming months. Of course, it would help It didn't seem as if I'd lost interest in writing. But my passion is gone for some reason. But, tis the season. Maybe I should fall in love. Pffffffffff. Yeah right. I'm totally kidding. If that happened I'd be obsessive and listless. Never a good combination. With God's help I shall make it through as I always do. That's about it.

-End Transmission

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Well, it's about official, we are an Obamanation. To be frank, I'm actually not too worried. Probably should be, but I'm not. God Help us. And remember...

Life is good, even when it's not!