Sunday, April 29, 2007

Spam, Eggs, Bacon, and Spam

Well, I haven't got anything to say really. Had cream soda this evening that looked like a rum. It was perfectly clear, and all the packaging is gray, black, and white. It was funny actually. That reminds me, I went wandering Friday afternoon, farther than ever before, and I climbed a couple of the hills nearby. When I was at the top of one of them I was walking over some rocks, and they were looser then I thought, and as I walked over them they began to rock and move. I thought I heard gravel or something shifting below, but, when I got off the rocks, it didn't stop. Then I realized it was far too regular for falling gravel. It was a rattlesnake! Well, I high tailed it out of there pretty quick. (no, I didn't leave back over the same rocks) And yeah, I guess my guardian angel put in a little overtime. Well that's all the news from my corner of the highlands, so I'll be signing out. It's 10:03, and you are loved!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Amazing Grace

I saw the movie amazing grace today. It was good. Not much else goin down in this hood. Ooh! I'm a poet and I didn't even know it. The movie is about the guy who fought for abolition of the slave trade in Britain. I can't remember his name gosh darn it! But, overall, the movie was very well done. The aging makeup in particular. 8 of 10 overall. And the comic relief was good too.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What The-!!

The strangest thing happened when I was out walking in the forest half an hour ago. A grasshopper flew up in the air and, just, hit me on the shoulder out of the blue. It was strange. There's nothing quite like being suddenly pelted by a grasshopper. Just thought I'd say that.

Monday, April 23, 2007

My Play is Done

My play is done. It ended yesterday. Always bittersweet, that last performance. I personally did great, except during the readers theatre a whole page, and basically the conclusion, got cut out do to a reading error!Not mine though. It was still a blerg! Anyways, I did awesome on my song and dance, except I dropped my hat, but oh well.

I do like earl grey tea. Someone should write a song about that. It could go a little like this:

I like Earl Grey tea, oh de da dee dee,
It's the only drink for me, oh de da dee dee, etc.

My shoe is off, my foot is cold, I have a fish I like to hold. That's true, except for the part about being cold, and having a fish. I think I'll go watch a TNG now. My play is done, it was fun, and now I think I'll make a pun. That's about right, except for the pun part. My tea is about done now, so till next time, it's 10:10, and you are loved!

-End Transmission

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Well, the computer clock says 11:00. Actually it says 11:01. And the microwave clock says 10:55. And I don't have anything sagey to say so I'll bore you with my life.

We went to the 100th anniversary dinner of the local Knights of Columbus circle. It was quite pleasant. And it was steak. I had a performance today. And I beat Age of Empires 2 about 15 minutes ago. And now the computer clock says 11:03. (I should switch it to military)

Galen got her black belt today! WAY TO GO GALEN!!! I've never done martial arts, though form how many of my friends do it you'd think I would. And, yeah, I can't think of anything else to say. The microwave clock says 11:00, or as they say in the military, 2300. I should change it to military. Well, whether it's 11:00 or 2300, you are loved, and I'm signing out!

-End Transmission

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Where Have All the Comments Gone?

What's happened to the comments? Have I not said anything worth commenting on lately? Are you there? It seemed like I used to get more, but it could be me. Anyways...

I said something really stupid in the car on the way home. Mom said how she didn't like caviar, and then I said "But, rich Russians like caviar, so it must mean, they, er, like it!". Yeah, I know, smooth of me. Only 3 more shows and we're done with it all! And I have a presentation to write tomorrow morning. And anyways...

Also on the way home we were talking about why so many people like being menacing. It was interesting. I found that I think I prefer being Charismatic and Flamboyant. And that was that. But who doesn't like being charismatic. Anyways...

That's about all I have to say about that.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Let's Not Kill Paul

Um, I had a performance this evening, and I did the best I have yet done on my song & dance number. And things are pretty dandy round here. And I had something to say, but I forgot it. o well. Let's not kill Paul, he's good for opening the door and letting us shoot out. Or giving a good example and being to bed at a decent hour of the night. Unlike us Highland Sages that are up till all hour of the night and then complain when we have to wake up at 8:30. And I use we in the sense of Highland Sages as a group, not that there's more of us. Or me. Or whatever. If "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise", then I suppose late to bed and late to rise makes a man strange, odd, and, er, me? that doesn't work. How about this one: Late to bed, early to rise makes a man tired. Speaking of which I better be turning in myself...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What is Going on With My Head!?!

It's so strange, I can't concentrate, I mean, I can, but not on anything useful! By brain feels like a big dust bunny. My thought are cycling through a thousand a second.(well, not quite, but you get the picture) I can barely get my work done these days, and in general I'm feeling distracted, but there's nothing to distract me. And on top of it I've been hyper. I think maybe I don't care enough to concentrate on anything useful maybe, but I dunno.

Is this a radical phase
A problematical age
That keeps me running
From all that I used to be

I may be going crazy. Or I could just be out of sorts for some big reason which I've failed to realize. But don't despair; it'll pass, and no doubt more quickly than it should.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Kyrie -Mr. Mister

The wind blows hard against this mountainside
Across the sea into my soul
It reaches into where I cannot hide
Setting my feet upon the road

My heart is old it holds my memories
My body burns a gemlike flame
Somewhere between the soul and soft machine
Is where I find myself again

Kyrie Eleison
Down the road that I must travel
Kyrie Eleison
Through the darkness of the night
Kyrie Eleison
Where I'm going will you follow
Kyrie Eleison
On a highway in the light

When I was young I thought of growing old
Of what my life would mean to me
Would I have followed down my chosen road
Or only wished what I could be

Kyrie Eleison
Down the road that I must travel
Kyrie Eleison
Through the darkness of the night
Kyrie Eleison
Where I'm going will you follow
Kyrie Eleison
On a highway in the light

Kyrie Eleison
Down the road that I must travel
Kyrie Eleison
Through the darkness of the night
Kyrie Eleison
Where I'm going will you follow
Kyrie Eleison
On a highway in the light

(2 more choruses omitted by me)

Kyrie Eleison
Down the road that I must travel

Note: If you don't know "Kyrie Eleison" means "Lord have mercy" in Greek.

Blog of Zog

Well, we got the Blog of Zog running again!

Check it out!

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Derned Mascara!

That derned mascara!!! The stuff doesn't come off well enough! Apart from that I love theatre! Today was opening night(Friday the 13th, crazy eh?). It went okay, except that one of the dances fell to pieces and one of the main characters in the scene wasn't ready in time, so they had to stall for like 2 minutes. Apart from that things went pretty well. Except my derned mascara won't come off and I look goth!! Well, not really. It is pretty funny looking though...

Anyways, we learned tonight that you should never ever ever listen to the "Winnie the Pooh" theme song and think about the Jedi Counsel. Hahahaha!!! I got you! Funny though, isn't it. I can just see Ki Adi Mundi(tall head guy) swinging his head from side to side to the music. Then Boss Nass comes up and says "Meesa just loves eatin thisun hunny!". That's just funny. Also on the way home we were making up the acronyms for the 3 letters on the licence plates of other other cars, and I did this one for DSB. Disturbingly Sober Barbarians. I bowled today too. And my bowling nemesis(Jordy) came out even with me, we each beat the other in two games. Oh, and Galen, you left one! (hehehehe)

-End Transmission

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Normal? What is this Normal?

Sorry I haven't been posting regularly people, but I've been busy what with Easter and my play. Anyways, I'm posting now, so aren't you happy? Makes me wanna do a jig, except I'm sitting at a desk, so that could hurt right now. Ooh, my bagel is done, brb. (I know I didn't have to put this, but oh well) I'm back now, with my bagel. Don't you just love plain bagels with cream cheese? I do, this is my 3rd today(I had 2 at breakfast).

Anyways, I guess that digression was a bit abnormal. But, what might I ask is normal? I think normality is an illusion created by the perceived ideal of those that control the media and other major influences. However, since humans are always wanting more, they can never attain their supposed personal "Norm". Unless of course a girl marries a guy named Norm, then she has her own personal Norm, but that's beside the point. The point is that God made everyone unique and the expectations of others for us to be "normal" often end up limiting how much one can be the person they were made to be. It all seems rather silly to me. Well, in closing, it has been said that we come into this world unique,so why should leave it a copy? Just a thought. It's 10:20, and you are loved.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

"How to Save a Life" and The Apostles

After Mass this evening I was in adoration, and was thinking of the Apostles and Jesus in the garden, and how the Apostles kept falling asleep. And the one thing that kept popping into my head was the chorus of "How to Save a Life" by The Fray. And it actually does fit. Here's the lyrics:

Where did I go wrong,
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

It does fit actually, from the perspective of the Apostles. Yeah, that hit me hard. I really can feel what they must have felt, seeing Jesus dead on the cross. They must have felt dead, in despair, hopeless. They didn't know Jesus would rise, they thought he was gone. They had devoted their lives to him, and he was dead. They must have felt purposeless. It's just a hopeless feeling. And they hadn't even been able to stay up in their last hours with him. That must have just killed them inside. It's horrible. That's about all I came up with on that. Also, a friend of mine is having some hard times right now, so could you all please pray for them? Thanks. That's it for now. It's 10:13 and you are loved!

-End Transmission

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

On the Effects of a Frigid Shower...

Well, our hot water heater is busted, and the earliest we can replace it is 2 weeks, so I thought I'd tell you how odd a truly frigid shower is. It's a bit like laughing gas. You get hyper ventilated and then you can't stop laughing. Yeah. It's quite invigorating actually. I felt sleepy, before I showered, but afterwards I was giddy and super hyper for nearly 20 minutes. (not that anyone noticed) The downside, (aside from getting light headed and then numb and laughing your head off and feeling giddy and hyper, if you don't like that sort of thing, though I like it) is that when you're drying off it's problematic because you can't tell whether your feet are wet or not. But o well, serah serah. Also I noticed that it says that my posts are posted an hour later then they actually are posted, and I don't know why it does that. I should see about fixing that. No matter, you've all been a wonderful audience tonight. Or wonderful readers, as it may be, but it's late now, so this is the one and only Highland Sage, signing out.

-End Transmission

Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Cold Glass of Coca-Cola

Sorry I didn't post much last week people, I was sick and then I wasn't around. I am currently sitting at my computer making this entry and have in front of me a cold glass of Coca-Cola. What more could someone ask for at this hour than to be blogging and drinking Coke? That's really odd, why is it called Coca-Cola, but you Spell it Coke instead of Coce. Oh, I think I just answered my own question. Anyways, not much has happened to me (that is relevant), so I'll take this in a completely different direction. I won't actually. Anyways, my Coke is in a green plastic cup with five ice cubes. And now for something completely different.

In my profile, you know how it says I don't use weapons, I am a weapon? Well, I've figured out what kind of weapon I am. I'm a weapon of mass distraction!! Punny of me, eh? Well, I haven't much else to say. I'm gonna go watch a Bob Newhart now, so g'night to you all, may you have pleasant dreams, and may you never awaken to the sound of a ravenous Bugbladder Beast of Traal in your hall. Thank you, and goodnight.